Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mage Porn

A friend of mine posted a pic of his altar setup the other day on FB, and I gotta admit, I got a little wood. Mahogany. You know. Teak. 

It's total mage porn.

I mean, it's not just me... 

The temple is dimly lit by flickering candlelight. It looks warm, with the lower-spectrum light capturing and magnifying the reds of the roses in the vase at the far side of the altar. You can almost smell the musky odor of old incense that must hang in the air. 

In front of the vase lies a ring of disks with images and seals and names of forces of creation, laid out like instruments of pleasure kept within easy reach to bring the full release of his Will into being. In the center, covered demurely in fine silk, is the Table of Practice, and the Scrying Stone.  

This elegent skein magnifies your desire, for though covered, you can see the curve of the wooden Table outlined, and see the cold, hard, smooth curves of the Stone... You can feel somethng dark and heated in its depths drawing you in, calling to you to part the veil and penetrate into the Mysteries...

See? Not just me at all.

The Altar is our interface with the Universe at large. It is where we go to participate in the generative aspects of material life, including those spiritual transformations that change the spirit interacting with its material life through our bodies. It's a hot, sexy juncture between the manifest and the unmanifest. It's not just sexy, it is where we go to become sex. When we do magic, we are becoming sex, tapping into fucking-universe-of-creation and planting our seeds that will become our magical children. We impregnate and are impregnated, we come and we become. It's all brilliant and beautiful.

So yeah, when I happen upon someone else's setup, I get a little spiritual wood. A little teak. A little ebony wand action going on in my generative centers, if you know what I mean. It turns me on, and reminds me I've got things I could be doing myself. And now I look over at my own sweet setup, still a little tousled from its recent use, but still hot and ready for more...

And I start to hum.

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